
收藏本版 (142)

高清电影 今日: 5 |主题: 6952|排名: 1 

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[爱情] 《我才不会对黑崎君说的话言听计从》黒崎くんの言いなりになんてならない (2016) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2016-8-21 23152 kidkid12345 2018-6-24 22:07
[恐怖] 《承诺/尸约》เพื่อนที่ระลึก (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2018-2-5 62875 chingkt72 2018-6-24 09:03
[惊悚] 《扭曲》Distorted (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-6-22 71853 1bow 2018-6-23 13:34
[剧情] 《29+1》29plus1 (2016) [720P/1080P/4K] [国粤双语/中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2017-7-6 135106 wataya 2018-6-23 09:46
[喜剧] 《换档》Shifting Gears (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-6-18 193465 kenny_wang 2018-6-22 20:51
[恐怖] 《灵蚀/韦罗妮卡》Verónica (2017) [576P/720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2018-1-2 45484 棕榈之熊 2018-6-22 18:28
[剧情] 《清水里的刀子》(2016) [1080P/4K] [国语中字] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-6-14 132474 烧碟一号 2018-6-21 23:00
[恐怖] 《诡眼》アイズ (2015) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment 海盗猫 2015-12-23 12164 日曜星月 2018-6-21 17:31
[喜剧] 《趴体生活》Life of the Party (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-6-19 41239 airlinvaliant 2018-6-20 14:22
[剧情] 《泡吧侦探3》探偵はBARにいる3 (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2018-6-19 62068 peyau 2018-6-19 23:06
[犯罪] 《探戈一号》Tango One (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-5-26 184376 kenny_wang 2018-6-18 12:43
[剧情] 《毕业作品》(2018) [1080P/2160P] [国语中字] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-5-25 112112 liulin 2018-6-18 11:32
[剧情] 《涉外大饭店》The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) [中英字幕/1.89G] Mario 2015-8-19 31818 nevermind39 2018-6-17 15:17
[剧情] 《我的野蛮女教师2》동갑내기 과외하기 레슨 II (2007) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-6-13 21307 kidkid12345 2018-6-17 05:05
[剧情] 《八月》(2016) [1080P/4K] [国语中字] attachment Mario 2017-4-29 31866 elton 2018-6-16 01:09
[爱情] 《人间中毒》Obsessed (2014) [576P/720P/1080P] [中文字幕] - [VIP]attachment 海盗猫 2015-9-18 12770 wkh315 2018-6-14 14:47
[纪录片] 《莱罗伊的故事》Author: The JT LeRoy Story (2016) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-5-25 61469 7day 2018-6-14 13:41
[剧情] 《每分钟120击》120 battements par minute (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-6-11 71416 南部之帅 2018-6-14 07:48
[动画] 《黑神锅传奇》The Black Cauldron (1985) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-6-10 81832 lyntc 2018-6-13 22:41
[惊悚] 《忍无可忍》Tyler Perry's Acrimony (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-6-12 61922 heda028 2018-6-13 18:10
[动作] 《不汗党:坏家伙们的世界》불한당: 나쁜 놈들의 세상 (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2017-6-21 62440 凸先森 2018-6-12 23:39
[悬疑] 《暗夜良人》(2018) [1080P] [国语中字] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-6-8 172952 1bow 2018-6-12 06:53
[喜剧] 《怪兽卡车/魔兽战车》Monster Trucks (2016) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2017-3-28 164200 bluesummer 2018-6-10 17:17
[喜剧] 《摔跤手/摔跤选手》레슬러 (2018) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-6-6 113101 georgeclinic 2018-6-10 13:13
[喜剧] 《派对搭讪秘诀》How to Talk to Girls at Parties (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2018-5-23 243918 kidkid12345 2018-6-10 11:31
[惊悚] 《良种动物》Thoroughbreds (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2018-5-22 61986 higginswang 2018-6-9 18:14
[剧情] 《玛丽·雪莱》Mary Shelley (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-6-2 102802 ifaw 2018-6-8 17:22
[动作] 《移动迷宫3:死亡解药》The Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018) [720P/1080P/4K] [中文字幕] - [VIP]attachment heatlevel  ...23456..26 Mario 2018-3-27 2526275 happy 2018-6-8 16:41
[剧情] 《柏林危机》Berlin Falling (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-5-25 193466 atmos911a 2018-6-8 00:05
[战争] 《旅程终点》Journey's End (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-6-2 103091 nang206 2018-6-6 23:38
[犯罪] 《极秘搜查》The Classified File (2015) [576P/720P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 海盗猫 2015-9-4 114399 chingkt72 2018-6-3 20:42
[喜剧] 《完美音调3》Pitch Perfect 3 (2017) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment  ...234 Mario 2018-2-17 3612807 aalanlan 2018-6-3 17:06
[剧情] 《今天开始世界属于你》世界は今日から君のもの (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2018-5-14 91736 dufufu 2018-6-3 09:54
[剧情] 《渠首欢歌》(2018) [1080P/2160P] [国语中字] attachment Mario 2018-5-29 61187 钟良 2018-6-2 06:12
[惊悚] 《真实犯罪》True Crimes (2016) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-5-18 133609 hongliang_tao 2018-6-1 08:22
[恐怖] 《食人族》Cannibal ferox (1981) [720P/1080P] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Mario 2016-8-20 6417279 zhuoqiwei5010 2018-6-1 00:56
[剧情] 《人生的约定》人生の約束 (2016) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2016-7-10 32780 dufufu 2018-5-31 20:06
[惊悚] 《15点17分,启程巴黎》The 15:17 to Paris (2018) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2018-5-1 234486 alfrid 2018-5-31 06:24
[剧情] 《薙刀社青春日记》あさひなぐ (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2018-5-29 61259 atmos911a 2018-5-31 01:21
[爱情] 《秘密手稿/失落的浪漫手稿/失落的祕密手稿》The Secret Scripture (2016) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-5-26 102838 Hsueeh 2018-5-30 10:36
[喜剧] 《一家大晒》(2018) [720P/1080P] [国粤双语/中文字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2018-5-20 223499 benispig 2018-5-28 18:16
[喜剧] 《吸血少女大战再生萝莉》吸血少女対少女フランケン (2009) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-5-25 112484 han54119 2018-5-28 17:05
[喜剧] 《达芙妮与维尔玛》Daphne & Velma (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-5-21 122860 bearbu 2018-5-27 20:44
[动作] 《热血街区电影版2:天空尽头》HiGH & LOW THE MOVIE 2 / END OF SKY (2017) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2018-3-6 286296 parsonslin 2018-5-26 21:38
[动作] 《赤色危机》The Blood Bond (2010) [720P/1080P] attachment 海盗猫 2016-3-18 72047 bluesummer 2018-5-26 10:56
[惊悚] 《莎拉的笔记本》El cuaderno de Sara (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2018-5-25 51657 peyau 2018-5-26 02:32
[剧情] 《出走人生电台》(2018) [1080P/2160P] [国语中字] attachment Mario 2018-5-24 41154 zhyclark 2018-5-25 11:00
[剧情] 《摩天轮》Wonder Wheel (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-2-21 134678 tzk117 2018-5-24 01:10
[奇幻] 《我杀死了巨人》I Kill Giants (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Mario 2018-3-23 612157 ArcherArcane 2018-5-23 07:35
[爱情] 《僵尸高校》Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (2018) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2018-5-22 51906 1bow 2018-5-23 07:03
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