
收藏本版 (142)

高清电影 今日: 1 |主题: 6953|排名: 1 

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[悬疑] 《被挠》Tickled (2016) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2016-10-2 93170 hlwhl 2020-3-8 00:32
[喜剧] 《后会有期》Come As You Are (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...234 Mario 2020-2-28 392894 hlwhl 2020-3-8 00:31
[动作] 《空山灵雨/空山靈雨》(1979) [720P/1080P] [国语中字] attachment  ...2 Mario 2020-3-6 111486 日出印象 2020-3-7 15:04
[剧情] 《那些女人》(2018) [1080P/4K] [国语中字] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 Mario 2019-5-16 726286 bsbs1136 2020-3-6 20:27
[剧情] 《爱恋》Love (2015) [首部登上戛纳电影节的3D情色电影] [720P/1080P/3D] [中文字幕] attachment  ...23456..22 海盗猫 2015-12-3 21445721 stonesl1986 2020-3-6 17:18
[恐怖] 《招魂2/诡屋惊凶实录2/厉阴宅2》The Conjuring 2 (2016) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 Mario 2016-6-12 9419468 ywzjxqt 2020-3-6 13:16
[剧情] 《归来/陆犯焉识》(2014) [720P/1080P] [国语中字] attachment  ...23 海盗猫 2016-1-22 293633 liubaijun 2020-3-6 08:16
[惊悚] 《杀戮场》Killing Ground (2016) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2017-7-25 53575 farfasion 2020-3-6 01:15
[悬疑] 《楼下的房客》(2016) [720P/1080P] [国语中字] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 Mario 2017-11-17 7114428 jy2451759 2020-3-5 23:36
[血腥] 《短柄斧2》Hatchet 2 (2010) [中文字幕] Mario 2015-8-7 34451 lyg168 2020-3-5 22:58
[动作] 《勇敢者游戏2:再战巅峰》Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] - [VIP]attachment Mario 2020-2-27 3234 skyfanjun 2020-3-5 19:43
[动作] 《撤离科威特/空运》Airlift (2016) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment Mario 2016-5-1 82431 gong402403 2020-3-5 08:03
[恐怖] 《樱桃/时尚樱桃》CherryTree (2015) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2016-4-8 62256 hlwhl 2020-3-5 03:57
[恐怖] 《床下有人2》Under The Bed 2 (2014) [720P/1080P] [国语中字] attachment 海盗猫 2016-4-7 11430 LeoDragneel 2020-3-5 00:04
[剧情] 《许三观》허삼관 (2015) [576P/720P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2345 Mario 2015-8-19 424291 月光麦田 2020-3-4 17:41
[悬疑] 《嫌疑人X的献身》(2017) [720P/1080P] [国语中字] attachment  ...2 Mario 2017-6-22 164451 chwxp 2020-3-4 11:20
[惊悚] 《恶宅》The Hatred (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2017-9-13 42582 玩物尚志 2020-3-4 00:05
[剧情] 《芳华》(2017) [720P/1080P/4K] [国语中字] - [VIP]attachment heatlevel  ...23456..35 Mario 2018-2-17 34533200 yfgood 2020-3-3 23:31
[犯罪] 《回家的路》집으로 가는 길 (2013) [576P/720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2016-7-26 173872 349136146 2020-3-3 21:08
[恐怖] 《短柄斧4》Victor Crowley (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-2-22 124000 lyg168 2020-3-3 12:05
[剧情] 《国家破产之日》국가부도의 날 (2018) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..21 Mario 2019-1-3 20015765 destulation 2020-3-3 00:45
[动作] 《庞贝末日》Pompeii (2014) [576P/720P/1080P/3D] [中英字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2016-7-12 233493 tianyanbin 2020-3-2 21:12
[恐怖] 《异形魔怪5:血脉》Tremors 5: Bloodline (2015) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 海盗猫 2015-10-15 174384 gzjangel 2020-3-2 12:19
[动作] 《超能敢死队/捉鬼敢死队3》Ghostbusters (2016) [720P/1080P/3D] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2016-9-22 104919 tzk117 2020-3-2 00:07
[喜剧] 《北京遇上西雅图之不二情书》Finding Mr. Right 2 (2016) [720P/1080P] [国语中字] attachment  ...23 Mario 2016-6-18 274882 yaogangnba 2020-3-1 20:37
[动作] 《复仇行动》Acts Of Vengeance (2017) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2017-10-27 76047 zxb 2020-3-1 17:24
[动作] 《速度与激战》The Fast and the Fierce (2017) [720P/1080P/3D] attachment Mario 2017-5-9 94386 qwaszx11111 2020-3-1 13:29
[动作] 《意外杀手》Accident Man (2018) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...234 Mario 2018-2-7 3910283 daojiao58741 2020-2-29 18:59
[剧情] 《中国合伙人2》(2018) [1080P/4K] [国语中字] attachment  ...23456..9 Mario 2019-2-3 807990 渡生泅魂 2020-2-28 20:40
[恐怖] 《咒怨:终结的开始》呪怨 終わりの始まり (2014) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2018-3-20 182787 jqlxrgs 2020-2-28 17:04
[犯罪] 《布鲁克林秘案》Motherless Brooklyn (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 Mario 2020-1-29 8623271 heguagua 2020-2-28 15:28
[动作] 《99号牢房内的博弈》Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment Mario 2017-10-13 76752 xgcc 2020-2-28 14:27
[喜剧] 《你我之间》Between Us (2016) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2017-1-6 104103 JIEqy 2020-2-28 11:24
[动作] 《囚室211/夺狱困兽》Celda 211 (2009) [720P/1080P] [中西字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2016-8-3 142436 pretenderliu 2020-2-27 17:00
[喜剧] 《欧洲攻略》(2018) [1080P/4K] [国粤双语/中文字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 Mario 2018-9-15 12515324 lf074602 2020-2-27 14:10
[惊悚] 《宁静》Serenity (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 Mario 2019-2-19 9710570 lyphlxl951009 2020-2-27 09:57
[惊悚] 《猎杀本拉登/追击拉登行动》Zero Dark Thirty (2012) [576P/720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2345 Mario 2017-7-4 456998 casey866 2020-2-27 00:51
[剧情] 《男子汉大丈夫/神枪游侠》Man Without a Star (1955) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2016-9-6 71875 Edward168 2020-2-26 14:51
[惊悚] 《谍影特工》The November Man (2014) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...234 Mario 2016-3-7 305894 lcj8888 2020-2-26 10:11
[动作] 《天命英雄》Thiên mệnh anh hùng (2012) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2018-5-14 253610 Hungs 2020-2-26 09:44
[剧情] 《凭火决狱》Trial By Fire (2018) [720P/1080P] attachment  ...2 Mario 2019-8-1 131906 apple654 2020-2-26 09:12
[惊悚] 《绝命时钟2:22》2:22 (2017) [720P/1080P] attachment Mario 2017-7-1 65170 lyphlxl951009 2020-2-26 09:06
[喜剧] 《魔精攻击》Critters Attack! (2019) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...234 Mario 2019-7-25 353747 lyphlxl951009 2020-2-26 09:05
[剧情] 《军犬麦克斯》Max (2015) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2015-10-11 102440 cloud9 2020-2-26 08:37
[动作] 《巅峰营救》(2019) [1080P] [国语中字] attachment  ...234 Mario 2019-6-17 364092 jqlxrgs 2020-2-25 19:59
[喜剧] 《我的间谍前男友》The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018) [720P/1080P/4K] [中英字幕] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 Mario 2018-10-13 15513700 lyuans 2020-2-25 17:15
[惊悚] 《看见恶魔》악마를 보았다 (2010) [720P/1080P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2345 Mario 2016-7-24 497076 min123020602 2020-2-25 13:28
[血腥] 《恐怖出游2》Hayride 2 (2015) [720P] [中文字幕] attachment  ...2 Mario 2016-1-28 105839 leonkang74 2020-2-25 11:27
[动作] 《江湖龙虎斗/江湖龍虎鬥》(1987) [720P/1080P] [国粤双语/中文字幕] attachment  ...23 Mario 2019-6-28 292621 lyphlxl951009 2020-2-25 11:16
[剧情] 《阿波罗13号》Apollo 13 (1995) [720P/1080P] [中英字幕] attachment 海盗猫 2016-1-15 22559 ivan618375 2020-2-24 23:46
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