专辑中文名: 闪电侠
专辑英文名: The Flash
艺术家: Blake Neely
资源格式: MP3
版本: Original Television Soundtrack, Season 1 [Limited Edition]
发行时间: 2015年10月20日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
11岁时,艾伦(格兰特·古斯汀 Grant Gustin 饰)的母亲离奇死亡,而他的父亲则被当成了凶手。之后,警探乔(杰西·马丁 Jesse L. Martin 饰)收留了孤苦伶仃的艾伦,在乔的耳濡目染之下,成年后的艾伦成为了一名CSI鉴证分析员,在此过程中,他一直没有放弃过对于母亲真正死因的调查。艾伦十分迷恋科学家哈里森(汤姆·加瓦那 Tom Cavanagh 饰)所研究的粒子加速器,然而,一场意外让加速器发生了爆炸,艾伦被击中陷入了昏迷。九个月后,终于苏醒的艾伦惊讶的发现自己体内产生了神奇的变化,因此而获得了特殊能力。随着时间的推移,艾伦开始明白,这个世界上,还有很多和自己一样拥有超能力的人存在,而保护市民的安全成为了他新的责任和任务。
01.The Fastest Man Alive / Always Late
02.Best Friends Since Childhood
04.Dr. Wells Has Secrets
05.I Have to Try
06.Proud of You
07.A Lot Happened That Night
08.Mad Skills
09.Eddie and Iris
10.Birth of The Flash
11.Things You Can't Outrun
12.Captain Cold
13.We Were All Struck by That Lightning
14.Going Rogue
15.No Time
16.Grodd Lives
17.Impossible Thing
19.Catch Me If You Can
20.Martin Stein and Firestorm
21.Fate of My Dad
22.The Nuclear Man
23.Dead to Me
24.Reveal to Iris / Running Back in Time
25.He's a Hero
27.Called Some Friends for Help
28.Second Chance
29.Closing the Wormhole
Disc 2: The Flash vs. Arrow - Part 1 / Bonus Tracks
01.THE FLASH VS. ARROW - PART 1: Saga Sell
02.Rainbow Raider Strikes
03.What I Can See
04.Forming a Task Force
05.Don't Get Involved
06.Team Arrow in Central City
07.Give You a Lift
08.Training Barry
09.What's Up, Doc?
10.Barry Gets Whammied
11.Flash Taunts Eddie
12.The Flash vs. Arrow
13.S.T.A.R. Labs Thanks Oliver
14.A Girl Oliver Once Knew
15.Firestorm Appears
16.BONUS TRACKS: The Man in the Yellow Suit
17.What You Can Do
18.Use of Powers
19.Saving Innocent People
20.What Barry Saw
21.Eobard Desiccates Wells
22.I Love You, Iris
23.Cold Wants to Know His Name
24.Lucid Dreaming
25.Grodd Mind Control
26.Taken Enough
27.Luring the Admission From Wells
28.Eobard Confesses
29.Super Collider
30.A New Name